reflections: a personal challenge

Stirring up the dust is a personal challenge. It is my personal challenge, as an early years teacher, to engage daily in the reflective process of teaching. Whether it be a reflection on my day or a reflection of my thoughts and ideas, my challenge is to document the reflective process in order to shed light on my experiences, explore my beliefs and value systems and to ultimately learn, grow and develop into the best teacher that I can be.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Teacher as student....

Learning as a continuous, life-long process

I learned something about learning in my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class today. As a student, I was able to sit back and reflect upon my own learning style when attempting to execute techniques during practice. It struck me that I can learn a lot from the BJJ classes I take. During a class the instructor provides an aural account of the techniques being practiced, detailing the micromovements that make all the difference. He/she demonstrates the technique at the same time, so you get to visually 'see' the movement being demonstrated. Students are then provided the opportunity to then practice these techniques, applying what they've just heard and seen to the physical movement.

I feel that I am mostly a visual learner. I need to really see things. During my class I worked in a group of three. Usually, we work in pairs. I found that this round robin scenario really helped cememt the proccess of learning for me. I got to watch my partners as they practiced before practicing the movement myself. We all helped each other.

This can be readily adapted to the classroom. Students learn from their peers. When engaged in activities, children can learn from watching each other as they play.